Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oranges, picked fresh off a tree...and Girl Scout Cookies

Two really random things happened today. They may have been random, but they sure made me smile.

First, a guy came in to my work place today to pick up something - this was in the middle of a particularly busy morning. While I rushed about trying to get his stuff ready, he patiently waited off to the side and then asked me "do you like grapefruits or oranges?" I was a bit flustered, and yet a bit curious to see where this would go, so I answered "oranges". He then asked, "what kind?" I answered "those little Florida tangerines." He said "I'll just go see if I have any of those." He immediately ran out to his car, and disappeared under the front seat. He came back in three minutes later with these two gorgeous oranges.
He proudly announced as he handed them to me "I just picked them this morning!" Leaves and stems still on and everything. What a sweet gesture.

The second event happened this evening when we were on our way to the hospital to visit Ryan's mom in recovery from a minor surgery. We stopped to get flowers, and right outside the flower shop - sheer feet inside the doors keeping out -6 F temperature - a brave little Girl Scout troop had set up a booth and was selling cookies.

Oh my. Girl Scout Cookies. Probably the most dangerous of all impulse buys. 

We came away with three boxes. Enough said.

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