Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pina Colada Ice Cream Sundaes with Rum Raisin Sauce

I've gone tropical. We had dinner with some friends  last night, and my brilliant friend Paula had suggested a Tropical food theme! Duly inspired by sandy beaches, cold beverages, and warm weather, I came up with an appropriately tropical dessert to contribute: Pina Colada Ice Cream with a super easy Rum Raisin sauce to top it off. Oh, and did I mention, all of this can be made AHEAD of time?

Pina Colada Ice Cream with Rum Raisin Sauce

Makes 12 servings

For the Pina Colada Ice Cream Sundaes, you will need:
1 cup heavy cream
1 13oz. can coconut milk
1 20oz. can crushed pineapple in 100% pineapple juice
1 12oz. can evaporated milk (fat free will do just fine)
1 14oz. can sweetened condensed milk

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together heavy cream, coconut milk, and sweetened condensed milk. Then add the crushed pineapple, and stir to combine. Add evaporated milk, and thoroughly whisk again. Pour into shallow freezer safe containers, cover, and freeze for about one and a half hours (until partially set). Remove from freezer, whisk again for at least three or four minutes, then freeze in covered containers again. Repeat this whisking-partial-freezing process at least twice – this action is what allows the ice cream to become creamy and increase in volume. When done, freeze again for at least eight hours or overnight. Serve with warm Rum Raisin sauce (recipe below). Enjoy!

For Rum Raisin sauce, you will need:
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup water
¼ cup butter
¼ cup dark (spiced) rum
¼ cup raisins (golden or dark)

In a small saucepan, heat up rum until just warm, and add raisins. Cover, remove from heat and let sit for 20 minutes. In a separate saucepan cook brown sugar and water together on medium-low heat until bubbly and syrupy, and let boil away for about twenty minutes, until thickened. Add butter in and stir until melted. Then add in rum and raisins, and stir to combine. Let cook for another ten or fifteen minutes. Serve warm, drizzled over ice cream.

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