Sunday, October 31, 2010

Coincidences And Whispers

There are no coincidences. Do you believe that?

This story began earlier this year. I attended a Leadership conference this summer and heard one of the speakers talk about "whispers." The idea that God whispers to you. That mysterious coincidence, the way some one or some thing catches your attention and prompts you to act in some way at just the right time or in just the right place. I didn't really buy it at the time. It sounded like a great idea, but I needed to experience it to believe it.

The story continued last week, when my husband proudly exclaimed that he got a free download of the book "The Power Of  A Whisper", by the very speaker that I heard at the conference. The kindle edition was available for free for a limited time, so Ryan jumped on the chance to get it for free. We started reading the book together, and I became intrigued.
I have always had a somewhat shaky belief in the saying that there are NO coincidences. I love the idea of it, but I was not one hundred percent sure. I think that one really cannot be certain, until it happens to them.

Here's what sealed it for me. Over the past couple of days I have been dealing with feelings of rejection that I have not felt since high school. This is an uncomfortable "place" for most people, especially me, and it hit me particularly hard this morning. I wondered if I was being childish. Or maybe it was God's way of telling me to focus more on him than on how much I matter to my friends. So I processed it, let myself feel the sadness, and silently sent up a prayer for some sign or some way of knowing that God does care for my friendships. Just some kind of validation in the friendships facet of my life. I didn't give it another thought after that.

And He did come through. An hour later, I got an email from a friend asking if I wanted to get together this afternoon for a movie. Coincidence?

God does whisper. Maybe not to me, not today, but to others so they can turn around and be there for someone else.


Greta said...

How cool is that! I know that is what has been happening to me with my trip and all the "coincidences" I have experienced that led me to this point. Aren't those little whispers amazing to finally hear! Keep up the good listening and prayer, Niha and yes, you are a very valuable friend, indeed!

niha said...

Thanks Greta! I can't wait to read all about your continued "God coincidences" on your trip.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to listen to the whispers of God. I wouldn't have stepped out of my comfort zone to lead a small group or volunteer at a nursing home if not for the continued whispers of God. Or consider homeschooling - still not sure about that one...

I really value your friendship Niha! Love Amanda F

niha said...

Thanks Amanda, that is so encouraging!